Sober Living Houses

Content The Effects of Ritalin Use: Short-Term, Long-Term, Side Effects, and Treatment Sober Living Houses Signs and Symptoms of Commonly Abused Drugs Cuffed and Stuffed: 7 Ways a DUI Will Haunt Your Life Persons living in a halfway house cannot be involved in an external treatment or recovery programs outside the house’s recommendations. Residents can…


How much water should I drink a day?

Here are some foods that can help cure a hangover (and a few that will likely make your hangover symptoms worse). Additionally, research has shown that alcohol may alter the composition of helpful microorganisms in your gut. These organisms play a crucial role in your gut and immune system function. Most cells have room to…


Long-term alcohol consumption alters dorsal striatal dopamine release and regulation by D2 dopamine receptors in rhesus macaques Neuropsychopharmacology

Content Are the Effects of Cannabis and Alcohol in the Body the Same? Local nAChRs modulate dopamine release in rhesus macaques Gene expression analyses How Long Does It Take for Brain Chemistry to Return to Normal After Alcohol Addiction & Dopamine When Does Brain Chemistry Normalize After Drug Use? Alcohol and Dopamine Addiction As you…


Learn the Basics of a 12-Step Program

Content Life Out Loud: Self-Care: Taking better care of yourself #4 Secular Organizations for Sobriety (S.O.S.) Online Store You are unable to access The 12 Steps and Alcoholics Anonymous Step Interventions and Mutual Support Programs for Substance Use Disorders: An Overview Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) This group, founded in Boston, Massachusetts in…
